Friday, March 13, 2009

MAGIC and the Male Libido - A Males Perspective

MAGIC and the Male
Libido - A Males Perspective


Michael Lee-Price

~ The Wayfinder ~

What a lot of magic practitioners do not take into consideration
is the male libido and psyche.

Being a Goddess worshipper, and this is just one male's point of
view, males often find it hard to get in touch with their feminine side
... and often some, not all males come to covens and other magical paths
to pursue their own sexual pleasures. After all, Gerald Gardner, Aleister
Crowley and even Alexander Saunders created their own unique paths because
they were dirty old men and wanted to get there end in.

After all, as is taught in the eight paths of magic, the Great Rite
and sex magic are the most powerful and affective methods of raising

A lot of people reading this may consider that this article is sexist.
Far from it, as stated previously I am a Goddess worshipper. I was raised
in an all female environment; three sisters, a mother and a grand-mother.
My father was in the Navy so I really had no male role model until I
was 12 -13 years old and I seemingly get on and communicate better with
women more than other males of my species. In actual fact, I love women
and after all this is a male point of view.

When it comes to harnessing the magical energies, utilising these
energies effectively and channelling the essence of the elements, I
personally feel that women are more in tune with the Cosmic forces of
the Universe.

I can sense all the male readers sharpening their axes and swords
now ... or preparing to write an opposing response to debate my theories.
However, the real target audience of the message behind this article
is the female of the species.

Most women graciously age and seemingly transform from Maiden, Mother
to Crone subtly and with dignity. Others do not. Largely due to the
way they are treated by the men in their relationship, due to possibly
domestic abuse, allowing themselves to be downtrodden, allowing their
self-esteem to be suppressed, many women just let themselves go. This
is especially so after a divorce or where the "bastard" has
left the partner for another women.

I can feel now the female readers, gritting their teeth, preparing
torture instruments and sharpening long and dangerous pointy things
ready to draw and quarter me ... or typing up a nasty letter calling
me a "male chauvinist pig". The fundamental purpose of this
article, is to draw attention to the Goddess essence within all women
and how

best to harness this energy to entice. It may be from a male's perspective
and that is why I have written it. The old saying and title for a book
rings true ... Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.

Here we have Covens springing up all over the place especially here
in South Australia that no one has previously heard of. High Priestesses
also, blossoming like wild flowers in a pagan garden and announcing
their presence and their newly established or long established but never
heard of coven with offerings and projects ...that you will find you
have to pay for ...

Oh, please ... I think tomorrow I shall establish the Sacred Order
of the Naked Wombat and call myself Lord High Emperor of the Grand Order
of Wombat Dropping...

Now ... I have offended as many readers as I possibly can, I need
to point out and ask the questions. Where is the real focus for Spiritual
Awakening? Where is the focus of finding the Goddess within? Surely,
if a High Priestess is worth her salt she should be offering Goddess
Workshops and even consider having male speakers.

Men do not find women in tracky daks attractive. The old pagan joke
about "you may be a pagan red-neck High Priestess ... if you do
a ritual or hold a gathering in a track-suit" springs to mind.

Let's have a real close look at the Male Psychic; the Male Libido.
A great many men suffer from the "Madonna Syndrome" (and I
don't mean the singer either) and it may be even latent:

"In Freudian psychoanalysis, a Madonna-whore
complex is a psychological complex that is said to develop in the human
male. The term is also used popularly, often with subtly different meanings.

According to Freudian psychology, this
complex often develops when the sufferer is raised by a cold and distant
mother. Such a man will often court women with qualities of his mother,
hoping to fulfil a need for intimacy unmet in childhood. Often, the
wife begins to be seen as mother to the husband-a Madonna figure-and
thus not a possible object of sexual attraction. For this reason, in
the mind of the sufferer, love and sex cannot be mixed, and the man
is reluctant to have sexual relations with his wife, for that, he thinks
unconsciously, would be as incest. He will reserve sexuality for "bad"
or "dirty" women, and will not develop "normal"
feelings of love in these sexual relationships."


Most men hold their beloved in the highest regards and consider
her pure and "Goddess" like and when their wives become the
mother of their children they become reluctant to engage in adventurous
sexual activities with them, prefering to make love with the lights
off, missionary position only, rolling over and going to sleep afterwards
etc. Not a great many men will admit to it though. Of course, we have
the men who are just plain inconsiderate lover or are unaware of their
beloved needs. On the most part, this syndrome goes hand in hand with

"OEDIPUS COMPLEX: For Freud, the childhood
desire to sleep with the mother and to kill the father. Freud describes
the source of this complex in his Introductory Lectures (Twenty-First
Lecture): "You all know the Greek legend of King Oedipus, who was
destined by fate to kill his father and take his mother to wife, who
did everything possible to escape the oracle's decree and punished himself
by blinding when he learned that he had none the less unwittingly committed
both these crimes" (16.330). According to Freud, Sophocles' play,
Oedipus Rex, illustrates a formative stage in each individual's psychosexual
development, when the young child transfers his love object from the
breast (the oral phase) to the mother. At this time, the child desires
the mother and resents (even secretly desires the murder) of the father.
(The Oedipus complex is closely connected to the castration complex.)
Such primal desires are, of course, quickly repressed but, even among
the mentally sane, they will arise again in dreams or in literature.
Among those individuals who do not progress properly into the genital
phase, the Oedipus Complex, according to Freud, can still be playing
out its psychdrama in various displaced, abnormal, and/or exaggerated
ways. See also Freud Module 3 on repression and Freud Module 1 on psychosexual
development. "


Now to clarify, I am not saying all men have a psychological desire
to kill their fathers and marry their mothers or have sexual relationships
with their mothers. But many men do put their mothers on pedestals and
many men often court and marry women with qualities of his mother. Many
men consider their mothers saints and pure and when their wives become
mothers they often consider them in the same light.

It is probably a well know fact that more men than women have extra-marital
affairs. A great many men secretly or openly have liaisons with prostitutes.
More men than women suffer the seven year itch or take-off on their
partner with a younger lover. More men than women view pornography of
any sort. More men than women ogle younger people of the opposite sex
or flirt outrageously with a younger person of the opposite sex.

... And, if you really stand back and observe this ritual you will
find that the object of the older man's desires (whether younger, the
same age or older) is a woman dressed a little risqué, well presented
and wearing make-up. A "goddess" in his mind.

Glamour is the word that comes to mind which comes from the old
magic term of "placing a glamour" on a male.

At the risk of offending the Dianics and the feminists readers (and
hey, I have offended a great many already) I will run the gauntlet.
Do you think the Goddess (whether she be Hecate, Lilith, Venus, Freya,
Frigg) would be caught seen dressed in tracky daks, with unkempt or
unstyled hair and no make-up?

Many Dianics and feminist reading this and who have probably black-listed
me or put me on their target list, are saying things to themselves,
like: "Why should I dress up or wear make-up to please a man?"
"This is who I am, take me as I am!" "What do I care
what a man thinks anyway?"

At the moment, here in Australia, there is a Television program
called "Taken Out", where thirty women put a man under scrutiny
and judge their appearance, fashion sense, humour, personality etc.
to see if

they are prepared to go out on a date with him. Brave Men or complete
fools ... either way ... it is a well know scientific fact that the
female of the species select their respective mate and sperm donor.

No one can tell me that women do not "check out the parcel"
when a man walks past them and males in pubs, clubs and other gatherings
don't compare notes on women in their visual radar.

The Goddess may be within ... but if you are to let her out ...
how will she appear to the on-looker?

Learning belly dancing may be great exercise and be arousing to
most men but is it really relevant to the Goddess when you consider
that Belly-dancing is part of a Middle Eastern or Arabic culture, how
does this relate to European or other pantheon and paths?

I mean no disrespect, offence or discourtesy, but in this humble
male's perspective, to allow the Goddess within to come forth is to
embrace the Hecate, the Lilith, the Madonna within you.

Footnote: Unfortunately as this issue was late the events mentioned had already passed. There is always Beltaine however, here in the Southern Hemisphere to let your Inner Goddess Out.

Copyrighted 2008 Michael Lee-Price
~ The Wayfinder ~


Anonymous said...

Before you put Crowley, Sanders and Gardner together by stating "After all, Gerald Gardner, Aleister
Crowley and even Alexander Saunders created their own unique paths because they were dirty old men and wanted to get there end in", you may wish read their history a little deeper.

For Gardner in particular this is an unjust accusation. Since Aiden Kelly's "Crafting the art of magic", people have been parroting his ridiculous theories about Gardner's sexual proclivities. As these theories are widely thought of as unfounded now, where is your proof?


The Cosmic Cauldron said...

Greetings Terry and Brightest of Blessings All,

With the said article "MAGIC and the Male Libido - A Males Perspective" in question ... I would have to say that the article was written in a tongue in cheek fashion ...

... and historically ... I would hate to refute anyone's intellectual debate on any of these great men's "sexuality" as much is already on record and none of it could be attributed to bad press.

Their abilities to think outside the box is not in question ... their own unique formulas for "Magical Equation" is also beyond dispute ... although, and this is my personal belief, neither Gardner or Crowley would of been the wizards/ sorcerers, witches they were without the influence of Mathers ...and as for Saunder's if he hadn't been a student of Gardner ...???

The belief that he stole much of his Book of Shadows from Gardner's Grimoires has been disputed constantly ...but for me it is neither here or there for I am not Wiccan ...

But as far as historical records are concern all three men have been displayed as sexual deviants and complete nutters.

...then again, as Eugene Ionesco said and I quote:

"There is no such thing as unreality. Just different forms of reality!"

One of my sources for my statement was Frank Smyth's "Modern Witchcraft" and one other was from the person who gave me the book, Rosaleen Norton although, I have several other books in my vast library I could pull out and rattle off...

... but again, it is all subjective really ... we are all entitled to opinion and can give source after source to support our opinion ... in the long run it remains opinion ...

May Your Gods and Goddesses Watch Over You and Yours

~ The Wayfinder ~